Breathe your way to a better you


Breathwork is the easiest solution I have found to regulating the nervous system, calming the mind, and creating a pathway towards healing.

A transformative meditation exercise utilizing pranayama breathing techniques, breathwork unlocks the passageway between mind and body, allowing the breather to further explore forgotten domains, release anxiety, trauma, and tension, and find peace within. The two part breath promotes a deep dive into the body, spirit, and nervous system promoting healing, growth, and a powerful route to self-exploration.

Breathwork is a safe, widely practiced, organic method that can be utilized in countless life scenarios, accompanying other healing modalities, and practiced anywhere you can lay down.


Benefits of breathwork

  • reduces stress, anxiety, depression, grief, & trauma

  • positively impacts feelings of self-love, connection, & promotes gratitude

  • increases energy levels — think of a natural caffeine boost

  • promotes exploration of the unconscious, naturally

  • boosts immune system response

  • improves sleep

  • releases fear and trauma stuck in the body

  • promotes happiness, sense of presence, & joy

  • improves digestion